วันอังคารที่ 11 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How To Get A Waitress' Phone Number

A person can be helpful to get the waitress' phone number because he wants to have communication with the waitress. You may be attracted by the maid, but he lacks the courage to give the number of staff. He may be useful to obtain the phone number if you ever decide to ask the waitress date.Sometimes a person may tend to be Shy and may think that will be judged on That when he asked the phone number.

There is no fear in calling the phone number maid, provided the person has good intentions. Here are some tips that can help a person on how to approach a girl when he asked for his telephone number.1. The boy can get information at first as regards the name and some personal information about the waitress at the restaurant of his colleagues. It must ensure that the operator does not exist. The manager may think that is disturbing his employees.

2. He should know his friends at the restaurant. He can make friends with them, so it would be easier to obtain information about the maid who likes.3. He must exert an effort to regularly visit the restaurant where the waitress worked. If a regular customer, a waitress can remember his face and also remember his name.4. If the person has the patience to wait for the closing of the restaurant, the waitress may have the idea that this person wants something and she could also make the initiative to ask questions if something know.

5 person wants. This could be a good moment for someone to come to the waitress and get her name, even if that person already knows the name of the maid. He can then tell him that he would like to make friends with her and she has nothing to fear about.6. It must ensure that the waitress said it was a good person and her only wish is that he wants to get her phone number. A person must keep his cool when asked for details.

It must not show any enthusiasm by calling the number and the waitress did not hesitate to give his phone number.7. The boy must leave the waitress writing numbers on a piece of paper that the trained person. He can tell them to write numbers larger and clearer. If the boy is with a phone, you can tell the maid to dictate the numbers slowly and record the numbers on the phone. He should ask him to repeat the figures dictated to confirm that the data were properly registered.

8. You have to tell him of their intentions after graduation numbers. You must be honest in saying he wants to have communication with her because she wants to know the best waitress. Through the telephone, there may be relationships that can be implemented, in particular, when two people permanently with each other.9. You should ask the waitress what time she will be available for a conversation.

He must know the best time to call the waitress. He needs to know if the waitress has time to talk to him. In any case, the waitress will not give the number, if she has no time for it.10. If there is an established communication on the telephone. It might be a good time for someone to ask the waitress for a date. You can guarantee that it would fall on his invitation, because they can not have more hesitation to another.

They have already built a special report telephone.There are times when a person must have the courage to confront the waitress he likes. It should have enough confidence because this is the key to know a girl better. Girls can find impressive are the strength and courage of a man. Request a phone number of girls is not a difficult task to do. Until there is good intention and respect then there is nothing to fear.

